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July 16, 2012
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday – July 16, 2012
Town Hall Annex
               July 26, 2012

Present: Lou Trostel, Lynne Grettum, Susan Olila, Paul Constantino and Bruce Rollins.

The minutes of the June 18, 2012 meeting were approved with the correction to the attendance list to show that Paul Constantino did attend.

Superintendent’s Report
Bruce reported that there have been 3 cremation and 2 full burials in the last month.
He is pleased with the summer help Anna he has hired. She is a good worker and doing a good job.

Cemetery Improvements
South Cemetery – The flag pole has been ordered and should arrive in a few weeks. Two trees will be ordered for planting.
Meetinghouse Cemetery – There is a back corner section perhaps 50 x 100 ft – that needs work to remove rocks divits and some tree parts to make this a nice part of the cemetery. The work could be accomplished Bruce estimates for about $2500.
Woodlawn – There is a large dead branch near the entrance that is a hazard. This should be removed as a priority job.
Other cemeteries – The other cemeteries should be checked for similar dangerous problems. Bruce will bring an inventory of such problems discovered to the next meeting of the Commission.
Pet Ban – The commission voted unanimously to ban pets from the cemeteries and agreed Bruce should post signs at each cemetery saying “No pets permitted in this cemetery”.

Meeting with Selectmen
The commission met with the Selectmen at one of their regular Monday evening meetings. They were in agreement with our operation of the cemeteries. A review of fees charged by Princeton and a number of surrounding towns was prepared by Lynne Grettum and reviewed with the Selectmen. They agreed with our fee structure shown with the exception that they felt the fee for a burial was low at $300. We discussed these fees at the current meeting and agreed on the following-
Full Burial - $450 balance of this year
                    $600 – Next year
Cremation Burial - $300 balance of this year
                              $400 – As of 7/1/13
Our vote on these new fees was unanimous in favor of the new fees.
We will ask the Selectmen to OK these fees at their next meeting.

Fee Structure
We agreed that the entire fee structure should be listed on the Town website and included in the Rules & Regulations/Policies and Procedures.

We reviewed and approved the application form that Bruce has prepared for persons wishing to install a monument in any of the cemeteries. He will distribute this form to all the monument companies. There is a space to indicate items that would require extra work not usually preformed when installing a monument. We would indicate on the form the extra time needed and charge an additional fee for that time at an agreed hourly rate. We will discuss what that rate should be at our next Commission meeting.

Rules and Regulations
Lynne will send each commission member a copy of the current rules and regulations – for our review and mark up at our next Commission meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 pm,

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary/Chairman
